New Year’s Celebration at Crotched Mountain with Roots of Creation and King-I

 With unseasonably mild temperatures for New Year’s Day,  it was a perfect outing of skiing & riding at Crotched Mountain located in Bennington, NH.  When I arrived just after 8:00PM,  the Mountain was in full swing with guests that had been there the whole day as well as  new arrivals just coming in for the Midnight Madness activities.  Roots of Creation  (ROC) was just wrapping up sound check and ready to celebrate the New Year with an evening of high energy entertainment.  When ROC kicked of the live show at 9:30PM, dedicated fans were already out  in full force to party the night away with their favorite Southern NH Reggae /Rock Infused Sound.   Fans were also in for a treat when special guest  Reggae Artist, King-I, originally from Trinidad & Tobago brought  his own unique reggae vibes to the mix, performing three of his original songs as well as performing  a Peter Tosh tribute “Legalize It” with ROC Lead singer Brett Wilson near the end of the night.    After two full sets of live music and additional reggae tunes by DJ Thomas of One Sound, the show came to a close around 12:30AM, just in time for everyone  to take off their dancing shoes  (and hula hoops!) and don their snow gear to hit the slopes for another few hours of outdoor fun.  While I did not get a chance to partake in the outdoor activities on this occasion, I will definitely take a “snowcheck” for the next time.  I highly recommend this  refreshing combination of  winter fun and reggae music.   This is fun for all ages as the location of the  open cafeteria is adjacent to the lounge and  allows everyone to see and hear the live show.  After party anyone?

More info on ROC, Crotched Mountain and King-I can be found on the following web sites. 


Roots of Creation with Special Guest King-I  show photos

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Reggae Reflection
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